Brand Your Space

Brand Your Space

Brand Your Space

Brand Your Space

Brand Your Space

Brand Your Space

Let's take everything we've worked on so far, and turn it into a cohesive interior scheme - in order to brand your space

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1h 20m
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Moving Into Interiors

If you're happy with your business branded mood board and the creative direction for your brand so far, it's now time for us to take what you've created and begin to turn it into an actual interiors scheme for your projects. Exciting!

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So we've done it. We have a company-branded mood board for you. Is it exciting to see? Is it everything that you've ever dreamed you could do? Oh, that is just absolutely fantastic.

So the next part of this course is we're going to start working on designing your interiors. Okay. This is, as property developers. This is the holy grail of saving time and stopping paralysis. So the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to go back to the mood board, back to the branded business mood board, we're going to look at it because everything that we need to know about the next stage and the type of materials we need to, we need to create, we need to source.

We need to piece together for our brand is already on that made mood board. So let's go back into Pinterest and let's review the images and talk through them. And I'm going to explain to you what I can see on my mood. And then we're going to start to build out separate mood boards, the materials for this beautiful cohesive look of yours.

Moving Into Interiors

If you're happy with your business branded mood board and the creative direction for your brand so far, it's now time for us to take what you've created and begin to turn it into an actual interiors scheme for your projects. Exciting!

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Turning Visuals into Interiors

We now need to take the 'look and feel' of your business branded mood board, and we need to transform it into an actual interiors scheme that we, as property developers, can use as part of our systems and processes, in order to quickly and efficiently source and specify materials! Let's show you how it's done, shall we?

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Okay everyone. So this is a real important part of the process that I'm going to take you all through now. So, first of all,  we're going to go back to the hive mood board. So the main company mood board, which you should all have now on your Pinterest boards. So quick recap, remember all of the images on here are images that represent our business.

What we're about, how we want to be seen the look, the feel, the mood, the tone.  Just take a moment to just get a snapshot and look at some of the detail on here. So we have this board to start us off with. This is the beginning of our business look and feel. Now what we need to do is we need to turn this into interiors that we, as property developers can use as part of our systems and processes, to source and specify materials.

Okay. So what we need to do is create, so we've got the main board, we now need to create a series of boards that represent all of the materials that we have in our projects. So I'm going to take you through some live examples and hopefully it will all make sense as we go along. So remember this, remember the look and feel and the things that you can see.

So what I've done is I've set up some boards for us to go through. The first thing that we are going to look at are examples of the type of tiles that we might use in one of our projects. Remember, this is about branding your space. So if all of the materials on this board would suit the look and the feel

of this board, which is the main company creative. Then in effect, we are creating the materials that can recreate this look and feel. So let's go back in again. So examples of the type of tiles that I would select for this look and feel. Now, obviously I've stuck to the Beespace look and feel because this is what you guys know me for, but this could be a series of different looks and feels.

It all depends on your main company, mood board. What materials have you subconsciously pinned that you absolutely love? That represents the type of business that you are? The key is to source your materials to fit that. Okay. So I've overlaid some of the images that I've used on the main board in there.

So we have tiles here, so I can say, okay, I've got a new project on the go. I need to specify the tiles for the kitchen or for the bathrooms. So I'm looking for black hexagons or. I'm looking for white hexagons, matte black geometric. More hexagons there. Black and white prints. That you can see there's a real strong connection to all of these types of materials here, which are all taken from the look and the feel here.

So that's tiles.  Let's go back in, I've set up lights.. So another very important category for our projects. I've got three examples here of the type of lights that I would actively look to source. Straight away, I've got an example of the styles, the finish and the matte black, the design. And if we go back to the main board. Let's just cross references it.

So go with me. See the styles that I've picked here. The simple dome shapes, the light bulbs. You can see the connection for all of these images that inspired me in the first place. And this remember is how you brand your space. I've got three tangible examples of actual products that I could go and buy tomorrow,

from the high street, that would recreate me that look. Don't forget whilst you're doing this, pinterest is always brilliant where you'll select something and then you'll go down and it will give you a million different  versions of it. So what you could do at this stage is say, right, okay, we'll save this one and that one's saved to hive lights.

So let me go back. So basically in each of these category boards, as I'm going to call them, you'll have styles. So when you're online, you think, right okay, I've got to get my lights on order. What am I looking for? So you'll come back to your board. These are the types of styles I'm looking for.

So when you're going into Google, you're going onto your favorite suppliers. This is what you're looking for. You're not looking for anything else. You're looking for these styles and you must, must, must follow your boards. So let's go into another one, another popular category. Hive kitchens, so

seamless, dark, sleek, looking  kitchens, very simple, sleek worktops concrete effect. So essentially these three visuals, give me everything I need to know about the type of kitchen that I want to choose for my project. I go into my local supplier. I say, "Hey, I'm looking for a dark handle-less, matte finished kitchen.

What have you got?" What I'm not going in is saying, "Hi, I want a kitchen. I don't know what I want. Can you help me choose?" And then ending up with some discombobulated version of a kitchen that I'm not even sure about. By following this process, you end up with a version of the thing you've selected, which fits.

Let's just go back into that main company mood board that fits within this look and feel okay. So as you go along and you follow this in each category, you end up with a really, really cohesive look room by room, category by category. So when I say categories, I mean, all the things that go into a project. So in the notes below, there's a full list of what those categories could be.

So let's think kitchens, bathrooms, tiles, flooring, so on and so forth. You need a mini board of categories for each one that you constantly refer back to. And here's another one look. So this is the hive color palette example. It's always great to have this on your Pinterest board for your business, because you use them to always refer back to and actually, and here's some great examples.

Turn them into actual paint. So this is an actual shade of grey that we use for Beespace, silver bonnet by Valspar.  So we can define the color palette and get into the nitty gritty detail of what that is on our Pinterest board. And also. You know, as I always say, brand is an evolution. And if at any point you decide, oh, you know, I'm going to throw like really dark red in there.

You could pop a red in this color palette, sit back and go, ah, actually that's not going to work. So that's not going to work in the interior scheme. So it's great. You can visualize out on here and it's so simple and so quick to use. So very quick recap. If you have any questions about this, please raise it with me

during one of our interior design monthly calls in The Hive. So to recap, our main company mood board is done. This represents us, our look and our feel of our property business. We then go and create a series of smaller category boards, which represent all of the materials within our projects. And then we pin images to suit our original company mood board. All of the answers are on the mood board, look at what you've pinned, the type of materials that you gravitate towards.

The look and the feel and the mood it's all on there. You just need to go through, take your time and create category boards to represent everything that we have within our property development projects. So I hope that that makes complete sense. I would say the best thing to do is to get going, get pinning, get deleting, get moving things around, have a play.

And I promise you, you'll end up with a series of boards. The key to the system working is to constantly use these as a reference. So when we're out there on Google, we know we're looking for styles like this. We already have a budget set. So it's a case of, this light I need it to be maximum 25 pounds.

Okay. So I know straight away, there's a certain amount of suppliers that are going to be doing this style for that budget. Let me go to them. Bang, we've got that style that can go into our spreadsheet for our buying and for sourcing. And we don't need to spend another three hours looking for a light shade.

It's about speed and it's about precision and ending up with a product at the end. That essentially is you branding your space, recreating your look and feel within your projects. So I really hope that that's helped.  Reach out to me on one of our interior design sessions in the hive, they're monthly, I can go through your boards with you, help you refine.

Turning Visuals into Interiors

We now need to take the 'look and feel' of your business branded mood board, and we need to transform it into an actual interiors scheme that we, as property developers, can use as part of our systems and processes, in order to quickly and efficiently source and specify materials! Let's show you how it's done, shall we?

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Download the instructions for how to use pinterest to brand your space

Need a little help to complete this next part of the programme? Download these step-by-step instructions for how to use your mood board to source and specify materials for your interiors project.

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Download the instructions for how to use pinterest to brand your space

Need a little help to complete this next part of the programme? Download these step-by-step instructions for how to use your mood board to source and specify materials for your interiors project.

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Create Your Full Branded Mood board

You should now have your full business branded mood board, complete with materials, sub-categories, and a really strong visual brand scheme, that will allow you to quickly and effectively brand your spaces in the future.

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Create Your Full Branded Mood board

You should now have your full business branded mood board, complete with materials, sub-categories, and a really strong visual brand scheme, that will allow you to quickly and effectively brand your spaces in the future.

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Explanation of Pin Boards

By this stage in the programme, you should now have your main business mood board, and you should have a selection of other sub-category mood boards that sit within it, which will have a selection of materials in them. You'll be able to use these tools in your future property projects to effectively brand your space. It's important that you really understand the importance of this tool and how it can be applied to your operational processes. So let's make sure you understand it 100% before we move on and away from interiors!

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Okay. So we're really making headway now. By this stage, we should have our main business mood board, and we should have a selection of other mood boards that sit with it that have a series of materials that go into our properties. So. It's super important (and I've explained this to you before) that you stick to what's in your boards.

Okay. Now this is where the transition into operational business happens when it comes to you specifying and sourcing materials for your project ongoing now, or once. You need to use the boards that you've created, that we've sat and created together. We've developed out as your absolute guiding force on those individual board.

You've got visual, very clear examples of the type of kitchen, type of tiles, the type of flooring, the type of artworks, and so on. All you need to do is source your materials accordingly. To the type of images on there.

So let me give you a really simple example. If on your main kitchen board, it's quite obvious that you are all about white, integrated handle, kitchens.Okay? Right. What that means is we need to go to our key suppliers and we need to say, give me a price for a white integrated kitchen with this worktop, for this space. And you think, yeah. Okay. That might sound quite obvious, but think about it. What we're not doing is going into a supplier and going, uh, I'm not quite sure what I want and why I think I like that.But do I like that? We're just wasting time. We're just wasting time and time is money, right? Like we don't have that, we're busy people. So these boards give us absolute focus. Boom. This is what we're looking for. We can give that information to our contractor, for example, and say, okay, I need a grey tile that looks like this.

So you can source that locally. Or we can source to our budgets. We follow all the ports that we've created in this way. And I absolutely promise you, you will end up with a total cohesive look for your project, regardless of what it is. If it's an SA. Follow the boards that you've developed out and you will have a beautiful finished product.

And if any part in the process you think, oh, I'm not sure what to do. Okay. Back to the board, reference yourself, cross reference yourself, all of your materials. You've built the visual for you've committed to those materials. Let's remember those materials were selected for a reason. They were selected because they suited the creative mood board.

The mood board was created from the brand values. So everything we see, we feel we touch has been created seamlessly, all connects. You put that into your properties. It will work. So the next stage now we've got our interiors nailed is we're going to go back to the digital side of our brand. We're going to start to think about the fonts and patterns, and we're very nearly there to have a full brand creative direction share with an interior scheme.

Amazing. You're doing so well.

Explanation of Pin Boards

By this stage in the programme, you should now have your main business mood board, and you should have a selection of other sub-category mood boards that sit within it, which will have a selection of materials in them. You'll be able to use these tools in your future property projects to effectively brand your space. It's important that you really understand the importance of this tool and how it can be applied to your operational processes. So let's make sure you understand it 100% before we move on and away from interiors!

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Nailing the Creative Direction

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