Terms of Service

All of our Hive members must agree to our terms of service before they join the Club:

Sharing content:
Please do not distribute or duplicate in any way, any of our membership content. This includes sharing or recording our live sessions or pre-recorded videos, distributing our downloadable resources or sharing the contents of our Branding & Design Programme with others.

You are however welcome to, and encouraged to, share the love for The Hive Members Club! This means, sharing snippets of your activity in the Hive via social media, sharing your own branding development with others, and advertising our membership and services.

Be kind & supportive:
The aim of The Hive Members Club is to build a supportive community where other female property developers can thrive. This relies on kind and encouraging members.

Please always remember to be kind, respectful, and supportive of fellow members - it's vital to our ethos and what we stand for. We will take action on members who fail to follow this rule, and it could result in your membership being cancelled.

No shade. No fluff. No BS:
We're big on honesty, quality, and on not 'selling-out'. We kindly ask that our members respect our community and our members, and do not self-promote any personal services or products in our Slack space (unless prompted by others to do so).